SSPADS hero mobile

Offering Pathways Home

We are working to make homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring. We provide emergency shelter, affordable homes, and supportive services that enable people to overcome homelessness and find pathways home.

Country Club Hills Wellness Center CCHWC building mural main lobby

Emergency Shelters

We provide overnight accommodations in safe, warm locations for anyone seeking refuge.

Affordable Homes

We work with you to find an affordable housing solution and help you build fundamental skills for long-term housing success.

Supportive Services

We’re here to empower you at every step of your journey with connections to community resources.

About Us

South Suburban Public Action to Deliver Shelter (SSPADS) is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization working to prevent and end homelessness in the south suburbs of Chicago.

Country Club Hills Wellness Center


People helped to overcome homelessness


Nights of shelter provided


Meals Provided


People accessing affordable housing each year

Take Action

Provide someone with a pathway home.


Your contributions impact lives and provide services to the community.


Join us in serving the community. 

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